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My journey to discover my true purpose in life and the freedom to live as I choose, started ten years ago, when I realised that when things were 'difficult', I was causing those negative experiences myself!
I'd been doing it all mt life and I couldn't keep ignoring it!
I suddenly realised that if I was causing my negative experiences, I was also causing my positive ones!
Applying this, I learned how to stop feeling sad or angry and achieve a sense of 'inner peace' in 20 minutes.
I learned how to see the endless supply of 'million dollar' opportunities 'hidden' within every 'problem'.
But the greatest lesson I learned was to love and respect myself and the people in my life.
I can't estimate the value of these changes to me, or to you, in terms of money, but it's far more than a million dollars - and every student I teach discovers that they can do it, too!
If you'd like to know more, click here.